Instructions for the Pont's Index

Transverse Arch Development

Pont’s index is a tool that suggests measurements for fully developed arches which provide sufficient space for all teeth.

  1. Measure the mesial/distal width of the four upper PERMANENT incisors and add them to get the Pont’s number for this person.
    Take into consideration peg laterals and adjust the Pont’s number according to what their final width may be after future restoration.
    If no upper permanent incisors have erupted so far, take the width of one lower incisor, multiply it by four, and multiply this number by 1.36 to determine the Pont’s number.
    If no lower permanent incisor has erupted either, you can use the average Pont’s of 32 as a guideline. Verify the number, once permanent incisors erupt.
  2. Locate that number on the left-hand side in the chart.
  3. Read across the chart to find the required interarch distance for the canines, first bicuspids, and first molars.
  4.  Measure the actual widths on the casts with a Boley Gauge as follows:
  • canines: from one cusp tip to the other
    recorded as UC (upper canines) and LC (lower canines)
  • first primary molars or first bicuspids: from one distal groove to the other,
    recorded as B (maxilla) and P (mandible)
  • upper first molars: between central grooves, recorded as M (maxilla)
  • lower first molars: between central-buccal cusp tips, recorded as W (mandible)

PLEASE NOTE: In dolichocephalic patients, I may not develop the posterior area all the way to the Ponts' number,s but I always aim to reach the numbers for the canine measurements.

The Anterior Triangle in the Maxilla

Sagittal Arch Development


To decide on how much sagittal arch development (anterior-posterior) is needed, the ANTERIOR TRIANGLE is a valuable tool.

  1. Connect the tips of the cuspids with the mesial, interproximal contact points of the central incisors.
  2. Draw an imaginary line from the contact point of the central incisors to meet at a 90 degree angle with the line connecting the cuspids. Measure the length with a Boley gauge or ruler.
  3. The length of this line should ideally be 1/3 of the Pont’s number; for example, it the Pont’s number is 33, the depth of the anterior triangle should be 11 mm.

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